Friday, May 17, 2013

Movin' Right Along...

Well it's been a few weeks since my last post and spring's in full bloom.

As of late we've been focusing on the outer appearance of the house, mainly the yard. We've mowed, whacked, weeded, seeded and what have you. The yard is looking okay but nowhere near what I want it to be. It's gonna be a lengthy process!!!

We've also jacked up the house 3 inched, replaced the main support beam that runs the length of the house with a nice new beam and are starting to replace the side joists.

We've also staked out the new addition which will allow for us to have a bigger master bedroom, a walkin closet and a master bath.

We're also in the process of sourcing vendors to dig the new crawl space and hope to get that under way in the next 3 weeks. Until then we're focusing on the inner layout of the house, moving walls, adding closets...basically anything inside we can do until we tear down the back end of the house.

In other news I've recently caught myself watching HGTV with George a little too much. I'm now rethinking the color palette and tile choices of the bathrooms as well as the siding color. This weekend it's going to be rainy here in Indy so we plan on revisiting the various home improvement stores to rethink our bathrooms.

Well that about does it . . .stay tuned for more jaunty updates!

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